Thursday, May 14, 2009

The last couple of weeks of May are c-r-a-z-y!!  I wonder every single year how everything gets done before the last day of school.  But somehow it always does....or it ends up not being that important afterall.  So, here I am again wondering.....

I'm looking forward to a very good summer.  My big project this year is a garden.  I have high hopes.  It will have to wait until school is out because lots of preparation work needs to be done. This will be the first year I've had a vegetable garden since my own children were toddlers.  The watering system needs work, the ground has never been prepared for a garden area, and I really don't know what I'm doing.  Am I nuts?  Maybe.  But it will be an exciting undertaking with hopefully an abundant reward!  I remember a story someone told me once.  The moral was, "Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly"  For perfectionists, (sometimes I think I qualify), that is good news.  Many things worth doing never get done because of fear of not doing them perfectly.  My attitude for this garden is, "just do it".  It may not be the best garden ever....but I will learn.  And next year it will be a little better. 

Bedtime.  I'm finished.  Good night:)


  1. I put out a couple of tomatoes, a sure sign that there will be a late freeze.

  2. I've had about 3 weeks of daily work on the garden. It started out fun. It has grown daily....until now I am overwhelmed. I decided that the watering system in "the back 40" (terraced far end of the yard) needed to be overhauled. I tend to become obsessed with projects. Oh....I have to go get my car. Just had a 90,000 mile service:)
